Spy Escape and Evasion: Review Expose

Spy Escape and Evasion, an ABC Shark Tank-featured business and course created by ex-CIA officer Jason Hanson to help people learn critical survival tactics and spy techniques that can keep them safe in any situation and perhaps even save their lives has caught the attention of Shane Michaels, prompting an investigative review.
“What Jason Hanson has done with Spy Escape and Evasion is create a jam-packed course of survival and spy tactics that most people never even knew were possible, but that can make the different between safety and harm in many instances, and in others, perhaps between life and death,” reports Michaels. “Jason has taken all the skills he normally teaches to clients on an in-person, individual basis for thousands of dollars, and compiled them into an easy-to-read, downloadable, and very affordable course.”
Jason Hanson created the Spy Escape and Evasion course to empower everyday Americans with the knowledge and survival skills he learned during his time as a CIA officer. Originally offering his course in-person, Jason Hanson recently appeared on ABC’s Shark Tank to present his business and has since changed the format to make it available to thousands of more people who desire it. The course teaches hundreds of practical tips and strategies to avoid and escape dangerous people and situations, learn how to read body language, and how to become a human lie detector. A few of the practical survival skills taught in the course include how to escape from zip ties, how to hotwire a car, secrets to picking locks, how to disappear without a trace, how to create an Escape and Evasion kit, how to avoid becoming a victim of a home invasion, and much more. As a limited time offer, Jason Hanson is offering his course for just $37, which is a fraction of the $2,500 that he regularly charges for information included in the course.
“The information in this course is applicable to virtually everyone in any life circumstance,” says Michaels. “It’s not just for people who deal with high-risk situations on a daily basis. From stay-at-home moms who want to be prepared in case of a home invasion, or an international businessman who wants to stay safe from pickpockets and muggers abroad, they’ll find empowering, practical strategies in this course.”
“The personal success stories attributed to this course are endless, and more people each day are discovering how they can feel safe, calm, and empowered in any circumstance with the skills and knowledge Jason Hanson has given them.”
Those wishing to purchase the Spy Escape and Evasion course or for more information, click here.


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